Sunday, October 11, 2009

Torino Friends and Blue Angels!

I LOVE Richard! He was my comedic relief in Torino
He and his wonderful partner, Christopher, were in SF for the first time and I was lucky enough to meet up with them on a beautiful day in SF

Christopher and Richard

Richard and his cone of tasty meats

Blue Angels!

Kind of a lame shot but the only one I got of fleet week-the bay was FULL of crisp sailboats

Point Reyes aka where I want to retire...or at least visit often...

Oh Point Reyes! How I love you is the view from Monday of a quiet coastal town that has extraordinary food-all grown organically.

My best friend Miki and her BF, Josh-such a sweet couple.

Just a regular, delicious grocery store. I LOVE the brown baskets...

That's right...I picked those from the garden of Josh's parents. I think I picked/ate over 8 lbs...

Perfect lunch

One solid cheese sandwich-AMAZING

This wool was spun by the woman sitting here who has 45 sheep. Such soft yarn!

Irish musicians at the Farmer's Market

Amber's Wild West PartAY this was one of the b-day wishes of Miss Amber on her birthday-a waived cover charge and a reckless romp on a mechanical bull-all in 9 minutes.
There was also a short, yet informative foray into a Halloween shop and a honking from a fire truck may have happened....

See the impossible cute, bubbly girl in the middle in the black? Yup. That's Amber and we had a birthday surprise party for her. So fun to finally do something for the girl who does things for everyone else. Love her lots and so glad she is in my family. Happy Birthday Amber!!!


Me and the Birthday girl!