Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bonsai Dog

How cute is my sister, her husband and "their" dog? J. seriously was considering a dog after hanging with Jolie...although she looks kind of tiny next to them.
BUT she is a Yorkshire terrier and J. IS seems to fit, no?

I love the tiny purple flowers on this one.

Couldn't help myself with this shot-this was at the Bonsai exhibit at Mitchell Park-these trees are AMAZING-most of them are over 40 years old.

This was her favorite place to sleep-at the foot of my bed-I was constantly worried that I would knock her off but in the end, we came to an understanding. I let her sleep wherever she wanted and then she would sleep soundly for 6-7 hours.

This is one cute little puppy named Jolie that I was taking care of this past week. She is pretty much walking cuteness. And the guy holding her is my very accommodating brother-in law, J.

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