Sunday, April 26, 2009

Brushes, Blondes and Sisters

This made me want to immediately buy paint and splash some canvas. A eclectic art stop, Accent Arts in Palo Alto-I get my Japanese watercolors here-every time I go in, I like to get a new color for my stash. They are so super saturated and delicious to play with.

The blonde triplets of Palo Alto. the middle surprised K. on her last Friday here. This is at the Counter in Palo Alto which has REALLY slow service can build your own burger-my personal favorite build is the grilled chicken, pineapple, Bermuda red onion, Tilamok cheddar, hickory smoked bacon, dill pickle and sweet BBQ sauce.

K. is such a good sport. She let me braid/experiment with her hair before she left for England on Saturday.


  1. Holy crap--our Counter order is nearly identical. Further proof that we rule.

  2. I love that store. I love living 3 blocks from it also. I also love Japanese watercolors. I only own two colors though. We'll have to meet up there sometime:)

  3. uh...sar? what's WITH the angle of that shot of you and the little miss K?

    barely looks like her. my gracious. she must LOVE that posting :-)

    actually--my bitterness at not being able to see you both during the british april invasion could be showing through in my comment here...

    carry on...

    i DO love to check out the pictures!

    keep having fun in the sun and the wonderful bay area!
